The Story pt. 10: Standing Tall, Falling Hard
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
The Story pt. 9: The Faith of a Foreign Woman
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
The Story pt. 8: Judges: A Few Good Men…And Women
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
The Story pt. 7: The Battle Begins
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Click to read more...The Story pt. 6: Wanderings: Israel On A Road Trip
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
The Story pt. 5: New Commands & A New Covenant
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The Story pt. 4: Deliverance
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The Story pt. 3: Joeseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharoah
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
Romans 8:28 (NIV84)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
The story of Joseph is one of the best examples of God working in both the Lower Story and the Upper Story.
- The Lower Story is what is happening in the now. It your personal adventure.
- The Upper Story is what God is doing in History.
- Many times we are only focused on the Lower Story, but when we see our story in the context of HisStory our struggles find greater value.
The Story pt. 2: God Builds A Nation
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
“God Builds a Nation”
In many TV action series, the show will begin with a review. Let’s do that with The Story revealed in the Bible. Last time we discovered that God’s vision in creation is to be with us. Adam and Eve chose a different vision and sin and the sinful nature entered the human race. Yet, God passionately pursues us at great cost. In this part of the Story, we discover that God decides to build a nation and through that new nation win us back to God.
Click to read more...Guest Speaker Rod Whitlock
There’s Been An Accident!
Galatians 6.1-5
The average person will be in seven car accidents in their lifetime. I’ve been in four to date. One I wasn’t driving. Two weren’t my fault and one I hit my wife.
Galatians 6.1-2 – “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
We find Paul doing three things in the book of Galatians.
The Story pt. 1: Creation Calls
To keep up with all notes from The Story and notes in Spanish, check out our Story page.
The beginning of our journey through the story of the Bible is like the beginning of an action-packed movie. If you miss the opening minutes of a movie with its fast-paced scenes, you will not understand the rest of the story. It is the same with the Bible’s grand Story. The Story opens with a “big bang.” Not the “big bang” of evolutionary theory, but the “big bang” of the revelation of God Who is the main character of the Grand Story.
The Story Intro: The Word
I want to quote a portion of a verse that shows up 125 times in the NIV version of the Old Testament. “...the word of the Lord came to...” It is a common phrase. What does this mean?
Click to read more...DNA: Desire
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at our spiritual DNA. We have been discussing what God has made us to be as we look to become the person that God has intended us to become. With that in focus I would like for us to ask a why question today. Why did God create us? Why did God then pay such a costly price to redeem us? When we answer these questions we can see what our purpose is today.
Click to read more...DNA: Prayer
Written within your DNA your genetic code determines who you are. Genetic research continues to uncover attributes and behaviors that are hidden within our DNA. Your DNA says a great deal about you.
Access: Thing
Access: Thing
Access is wonderful. Gaining an audience with a person of importance, having the opportunity to experience a historic event or being able to visit a holy place is all determined by whether or not a person has access. We have amazing access to God’s presence.
Access: People
Access: People
Access is wonderful. Gaining an audience with a person of importance, having the opportunity to experience a historic event or being able to visit a holy place is all determined by whether or not a person has access. We have amazing access to God’s presence.
Access: Place
Access: Place
Access is wonderful. Gaining an audience with a person of importance, having the opportunity to experience a historic event or being able to visit a holy place is all determined by whether or not a person has access. We have amazing access to God’s presence.
CONTACTS: Surprise!
I love surprises! God is full of surprises. As a follower of Christ we should learn to expect the unexpected. God is faithful yet unpredictable, reliable yet full of surprises. Trustworthy yet unbridled.
Good Steward
CONTACTS: God Reaches Out
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the ways that God shows up in our lives. Throughout the book of Acts, Luke the writer, gives accounts of Jesus literally showing up in peoples lives. The way that he talks about these CONTACTS as if they were nothing big or out of the norm says a lot.
Click to read more...CONTACTS: God At Work Through You
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the ways that God shows up in our lives. Throughout the book of Acts, Luke the writer, gives accounts of Jesus literally showing up in peoples lives. The way that he talks about these CONTACTS as if they were nothing big or out of the norm says a lot.
Click to read more...Revelation
New Hope’s Wednesday night Connect discusses one of the most mysterious books of the Bible, Revelation.
On The Dotted Line 4
Titles Are Important
Titles matter. I have heard people say, in fact I have even said, the title isn’t important just let me do the work. It is as if the title isn’t important at all. The truth is that titles are important. If you are having troubles on a phone call to customer service somewhere what do you do? “May I speak to your manager?” Titles matter if your title is The President of the United States.
On The Dotted Line 1
When someone signs on the dotted line they are promising to fulfill the promise. In this series we learn:
The covenant name of God.
We discover the character behind the name of God revealed in human experience.
And the power of the Name of Jesus.
What is the truth about eternity?

Honest questions deserve honest answers. In this series we will be discussing some of the big questions of life. This week we discuss the truth of eternity, heaven and hell.Click to read more...
I Can Relate: Fellowship
God has called us to fellowship. If we walk in the light we will have fellowship with Him and with each others. Fellowship is more than potluck dinners. Fellowship is enjoying the community of God. This week we come to His table where His love expressed fully!Click to read more...
I Can Relate: Friendship

Every great success is built upon relationships. God created us to relate, to Him and to the people He created. This week we talk about the qualities that make a good friend.Click to read more...
Reset: "His mercies are new every morning."
Revealed Part 2

Part 2
The revealed purpose of God is practical. God wants to invade the practical with the supernatural. This week we will see how God reveals His will to us for a practical purpose. To view the notes click the “read me”.

“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived
these things God has prepared for those who love him”
for God has revealed them to us by his Spirit
God has an incredible dream for your life.
He has a plan that He is excited to reveal to you!
This mysterious plan will be revealed to you this year.
The manuscript notes for part one of this message are available by clicking the read more tab.