Trending Eternity

Trending Eternity

The Rock eternal.

Before 120 years Max

Genesis 6:3 people lived a long time. Methuselah lived 969 years. That's a long time. God chose to shorten the time that men and women would live. to 120 years. Now for me that seems like a

Who was and is and is to come.

a sense of eternity

everyone who believes … have eternal life.

zōḗ that cannot be limited to this age.

zōḗ and another is bíos. From this Greek word bios we get our english for biology.

Defined in Merriam Webster's

bi•ol•o•gy \bī-ˈä-lə-jē\ noun
[German Biologie, from bi- + -logie -logy]
1: a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes
2 a: the plant and animal life of a region or environment
b: the life processes especially of an organism or group; broadly: ecology
bi•ol•o•gist \-jist\ noun

Merriam-Webster, I. (1996). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

bíos is more concerned with systems and classifications. I have noticed that systems are fleeting trends. They soon pass away. Jesus offers adifferent kind of life, zōḗ. This life cannot be limited to mere existence thinking. It is life that transcends.

zōḗ is a life full of joy, not reliant upon my circumstances. Circumstances are trends that fade, but the joy of zōḗ life is eternal.

zōḗ is a life full of true peace. He is able to keep us in perfect peace when our minds are stayed on Him. because he is our Rock eternal. Thoughts of anxiety and depression are trends. Our minds can be fixed on the eternal God who brings peace ever lasting.

zōḗ is found in the person of Jesus. This is different from every other religion or system. This is about relating not about performing.

Isaiah 26:3–4

As fast as life moves, as quick as things change it is difficult to have peace. But peace comes into our lives we understand God is our Rock Eternal!

Genesis 2:9

In the beginning God placed the tree of life in the center of the garden.

Genesis 3:22–24

Revelation 2:7

Revelation 22:2

At the end of the age in heaven we find this same tree, planted by the river of life.

Revelation 22:14

Right now we live between the trees. Relatively speaking this time between the trees is a short period of time. When you consider God was eternally present before time began. That is he went on and on before this tree. And God will be until the end and even beyon. That is God goes on and on beyong this tree. The amount of time on earth is fleeting.

Genesis 6:3


Revelation 4:8

Before eternity began, God is. In the struggles and storms of the life, God is. Through the miraculous and the mundane God reigns. God dwells in my tomorrow and my tomorrow's tomorrow. And when life on earth is complete and I slip into eternity I will find the eternal God, ever living, ever loving, the same Yesterday Today and Forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

God created so many amazing nuances within men and women. One of the most incredible to me is hinted at in this verse. God put a sense of eternity in each person. There is something in men and women that propells them to look to the eternal. The life that follows.

This week I was considering this and the relationship of our time in the midst of eternity. According to many the eath dates back over 600 million years with the first fungi coming on the scene in 560 million B.C. and the first sponges coming about 550 million B.C. Accordingly mankind wasn't born until 190,000 B.C. Even in this evolutionary framework there is a grasping for the eternal.

In my observation those with a God-centered view point look toward eternity in the future, while those with a man-centered worldview look towards eternity in the past. In either case our life span is but a splinter of time.

John 3:15

John 10:10

In the NT language and thought there are a couple of words used to reflect life. One is

Trending or Transcending?

This is my question are you living for just this life or are you living in the light of eternity. Are you consumed and obsessed by trends and systems or are you about life abundant and free?

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